Flutter Vs React Native

Flutter Vs React Native

ConceptFlutterReact Native
Introduced byIt was first introduced by GoogleIt was first introduced by facebook
ReleaseMay 2017June 2015
It uses Dart language to create a
mobile app
It uses JavaScript to create mobile
ArchitectureBLoCFlux and Redux
User InterfaceIt uses custom widgets to build the
UI of the app
It uses native UI controllers to
create the UI of the app
DocumentationDocumentation for Flutter is
organized, and informative
Documentation for React Native is
user-friendly but fragmented
PerformanceFlutter compiles the application
using the arm C/C++ library,
hence better performance
Performance of the React Native
app is subpar as compared to the
Flutter app
TestingFlutter allows the developer to
perform widget testing, integration
testing, and unit testing
To test the application, React
Native uses freely accessible third-
party tools
It receives less community support
over React Native
It provides a highly helpful
community where problems and
concerns can be dealt swiftly
Hot ReloadSupportedSupported
Popularity68.8% on GitHub57.9% on GitHub
Industry AdoptionGoogle Ads

What popular apps are made with React Native?

What popular apps are made with Flutter?

(Source:- https://www.simform.com/blog/react-native-vs-flutter/#team-size)

Mobile Performance

  • Our colleagues from Medium’s The Startup community shared a good performance comparison of native and cross-platform approaches to mobile app development.
  • They conducted numerous tests on actual Android and iOS smartphones to evaluate the processing times of Pi-digits computations written in Flutter, React Native, and Native (Apple: Swift/Obj-C; Android: Java/Kotlin). Look at the table below to see the surprising outcomes.

Notice: Lower Number – The Better

Favourite and Most Desired by Developers

  • The most productive workers in any business desire quicker and better tools and workflows
  • According to a Stackoverflow study of 65,000 programmers, Flutter is the third most popular non-web framework, with a 69 percent preference
  • React Native comes up at number 10 with 58 percent of options, which is noticeably less. Because the difference is so little, we believe that the developers like both

  • According to the poll, React Native and Flutter are also among the top 4 frameworks that software engineers desire to become proficient in
  • RN is slightly in front. In the upcoming years, we anticipate that more developers will upgrade both tools

Popularity, Market Shares and App Examples

  • Among the most popular non-web frameworks, libraries, and tools, React Native is ranked sixth with 11.50 % of preferences, according to Stackoverflow insights.
  • Flutter in turn has 7.20% votes and obtains 9th position. Together they make the two most popular cross-platform technologies.

Therefore, which is preferable: React Native or Flutter?

(Source :- https://nix-united.com/blog/flutter-vs-react-native/)

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